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Kukicha & Other Teas

Mitoku Organic Kukicha is a deliciously soothing roasted tea with a warm brown color, mild flavor, and rich roasted aroma. The tea is made from the twigs, stalks, and stems of older and coarser leaves left over from the sencha harvest. Kukicha was traditionally called ‘a poor man’s drink’ as tea farmers would make kukicha for themselves after selling the……

Other Miso Products

With varieties ranging from dark and robust to mild and sweet, miso is one of Japan’s most versatile foods. Despite its long history, there are still many new forms and new uses for miso waiting to be discovered. While respecting tradition, Mitoku also seeks to innovate and adapt to changing times, and this is reflected in products such as our salt-reduced miso and organic spicy miso.

Agar Flakes and Bars

Mitoku’s traditional agar (also known as kanten) is made by cooking down red sea vegetables, then storing the extracted gelatin outdoors in the open air to reduce its moisture content. This time-consuming process is carried out in the inland mountains of Shinshu, Nagano, by a small family firm, founded in 1934 and currently run by its th……

Organic Hatcho Miso – Unpasteurised

In central Japan’s Aichi Prefecture, in the town of Okazaki, on the former site of Hatcho Village, is a curious set of old, somewhat churchlike buildings. They are the home of Hatcho Miso Company, Ltd., makers for five centuries of one of Japan’s true living treasures, the most revered miso in all Japan. Under the ancient rafters of the shop stand ro……

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