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Japanese Government Honors Mitoku for Contribution to Food Exports

We are delighted to announce that Mitoku has been awarded the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Prize at the 5th Awards for Excellence in Exports. This award is intended to shine a light on organizations and individuals involved in the export of Japanese foods. By recognizing their contributions, the Minist……

What is Koji?

kojiAsk any miso maker and the answer will be the same: great miso cannot be made without great Koji. That’s how essential Koji is to the production of miso. But just what is Koji? Koji, the fermentation starter without which miso cannot be made, is made with a culture (sometimes also referred to as a fungus), Aspergillus oryzae. This is called <……

Soy Sauce

In Japan, shoyu is the most quintessential of all seasonings. Its irresistible charm lies in its rich flavor, well-rounded aroma, and enticing appearance. Shoyu has a superb balance of the five basic tastes – sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami – and gives off a wonderfully appetizing fragrance when heated. This is a truly magical seasoning, able to bring out the best of every ingredient. It is this quality that prompts the Japanese cook to reach for the shoyu whenever a dish is lacking in fla……

Organic Kuzu

Kuzu powder, also known as “white gold”, is a traditional gelling agent made by extracting starch from the large, bulbous root of the kuzu plant. This fine, white powder is highly prized for its unique flavor, translucency, texture, and gelling properties. Kuzu powder can be used in a wide variety of dishes ranging from sweets to soups and plays ……

Mitoku Story 1

MITOKU - Japan's Natural Foods Pioneer

Published in Macrobiotics Today, November/December 2002 (vol. 42, No. 6)

By John Belleme If you are cooking with a high quality, traditional Japanese food that was made in Japan or drink organic green tea that was grown in Japan, there is about an 80% chance it came from Mitoku Company, Ltd., of Tokyo, Japan. This company has profoundly influenced the eating habits of food conscious Americans……

Japanese Government Honors Mitoku for Contribution to Food Exports

We are delighted to announce that Mitoku has been awarded the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Prize at the 5th Awards for Excellence in Exports. This award is intended to shine a light on organizations and individuals involved in the export of Japanese foods. By recognizing their contributions, the Minist……


[video width="1080" height="1920" mp4="シーケンス-Taihei_final.mp4"][/video]   From soy sauce to sake, miso and vinegar, fermentation is the driving force behind many of Japan’s most famed culinary treasures. Indeed, it is rare to encounter a traditional Japanese meal that does not include some kind of fermented ingredient or dish. Fermentation is a complex process whereby microorganisms break down sugars and other carbohydrates into org……


Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning and health food that has been an integral ingredient in Japanese cooking for centuries. This thick, savory fermented soybean paste is high in protein, rich in umami, and incredibly versatile. Miso exemplifies the many health benefits of fermented foods, being rich with enzymes, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and essential amino acids. Traditional miso is fermented for long periods in large wooden casks, which provide an ideal environment for bacter……


Organic Matcha

Matcha, which literally means “powder tea”, is a finely milled green tea powder. This treasured drink is an integral part of the culture of Japan, and is perhaps best known for its role in the traditional tea ceremony.

Matcha is distinguished……

Mitoku Story 2

Mr. and Mrs. Akiyoshi Kazama, founder and president of Mitoku Company, Ltd., were presented with the "Aveline Award" in the first annual "Aveline's Thanking Ceremony" that was held at the Kushi Foundation International Summer Conference on August 6, 2002. Following is the text of the speech given by Mr. Michio Kushi honoring and thanking Mr. and Mrs. Kazama:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kazama, While we were beginning education in Boston, we formed the first natural food company ……

Mulberry Tea

Mulberry leaves have a pleasant, mellow flavor and are naturally caffeine-free and rich in minerals, especially calcium. These wholesome herbs have been renowned since ancient times for their therapeutic properties and have long been used in Oriental medicine. More recently, modern science has provided evidence to support this traditional wisd……

Organic Hatcho Miso – Unpasteurised

In central Japan’s Aichi Prefecture, in the town of Okazaki, on the former site of Hatcho Village, is a curious set of old, somewhat churchlike buildings. They are the home of Hatcho Miso Company, Ltd., makers for five centuries of one of Japan’s true living treasures, the most revered miso in all Japan. Under the ancient rafters of the shop stand ro……

Cookie Policy

About This Cookie Policy This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are and how we use them. You should read this policy to understand what cookies are, how we use them, the types of cookies we use i.e, the information we collect using cookies and how that information is used and how to control the cookie preferences. For further information on how we use, store and keep your personal data secure, see our Privacy Policy. Y……


The Key to Health and Happiness

More than a low fat, sugar and dairy-free diet, macrobiotics is a way of life that brings one into balance with nature. It encompasses every facet of life, not simply physical well-being, including an awareness that personal health is influenced by nutrition, fitness, food safety, environmental concerns, ……


Japanese green tea is characterized by its bright green color, refreshing aroma, and delicate balance of umami, sweetness, astringency, and bitterness. Green tea comes from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, as black and oolong teas. However, the processing of the leaf, in particular the steaming process unique to Japanese green tea, allows the tea to retain both its beautiful color and beneficial health properties.

Generally, tea leaves are harvested se……

Japanese Government Honors Mitoku for Contribution to Food Exports

We are delighted to announce that Mitoku has been awarded the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Prize at the 5th Awards for Excellence in Exports. This award is intended to shine a light on organizations and individuals involved in the export of Japanese foods. By recognizing their contributions, the Minist……


This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:
Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my blog. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)
...or s……

Organic Sencha

Tea farming in the Uji region, in Kyoto Uji in Kyoto is the oldest center of tea production in Japan, and today is home to Mitoku’s tea plantation. Tea from Uji is the most celebrated of all Japan’s teas; “Uji tea” is considered a synonym for green tea of the very highest quality. The founder of Mitoku’s tea plantation, Aijiro Nagata,……