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Our Philosophy

Mitoku is a dedicated member of the organic food movement. We believe that organic is always the best option and are opposed to the widening development and use of genetically engineered foods. Our commitment to quality will never be compromised by the pressure to compete with cheap, mass-produced goods. Providing the products needed to maintain the well-being of the individual and the health of the natural environment: this was our goal at the beginning over 50 years ago, and it remains our goa……

Shoyu Soy Sauce

Mitoku uses GMO-free whole soybeans

There is a world of difference between Mitoku organic soy sauces and most other products on the market. The biggest difference is in the raw ingredients. Today, about 80% of the soy sauce produced in Japan uses processed soybeans, which are cheaper, easier to transport, and allow for quicker fermentation than whole soybeans. Mitoku, by contrast, uses only whole soybeans, which provide the full nutritional content of the soybe……

Mitoku Story 1

MITOKU - Japan's Natural Foods Pioneer

Published in Macrobiotics Today, November/December 2002 (vol. 42, No. 6)

By John Belleme If you are cooking with a high quality, traditional Japanese food that was made in Japan or drink organic green tea that was grown in Japan, there is about an 80% chance it came from Mitoku Company, Ltd., of Tokyo, Japan. This company has profoundly influenced the eating habits of food conscious Americans……


[video width="1080" height="1920" mp4="シーケンス-Taihei_final.mp4"][/video]   From soy sauce to sake, miso and vinegar, fermentation is the driving force behind many of Japan’s most famed culinary treasures. Indeed, it is rare to encounter a traditional Japanese meal that does not include some kind of fermented ingredient or dish. Fermentation is a complex process whereby microorganisms break down sugars and other carbohydrates into org……